Admission Requirements

The Towson University basic/pre-licensure nursing major is a screened, competitive program that accepts a limited number of students each term. This page provides a detailed overview of the major's admission criteria and application requirements. Please review carefully before applying.


Nursing Major (Basic/Pre-Licensure) Option

The Department of Nursing offers admission to the nursing major's basic/pre-licensure option each fall and spring term.

Screened & Competitive Major Declaration

This is a screened, competitive program which requires a separate application and additional admission criteria than what is required for university admission. Listing nursing as your major on the university application does not constitute an application to the major. All students who select nursing as their major on the university application will be automatically classified as pre-nursing students.

Due to the competitive nature of this program, a dmission to the university and meeting the minimum nursing admission requirements do not guarantee program admission. The factors used to determine competitive standards for admission are outlined in the "Admission Competitiveness" section of this page.

It is the responsibility of each applicant to be aware of all application and admission requirements and deadlines. The Department of Nursing will not accept late applications or review applications that are incomplete or do not meet the minimum criteria outlined on this page.

Information Overview

Before applying, applicants must review this page for a comprehensive outline of of application and admission requirements for the basic/pre-licensure option.

On this page, prospective applicants will find the following information: