Student Loan

A Student Loan helps to pay for your course fees, study materials (e.g. books or a computer) and weekly living costs.

Important information

You will have to pay back any amount you borrow.

Fees Free study

If you start study in 2024, you may be able to get Fees Free to pay for your first year. If you can get Fees Free for your first year, you may not need a Student Loan to pay for your course fees. However, you’ll still need to apply for a Student Loan if you want course-related costs or living costs.

From 2025, Fees Free will be available for your final year of study instead (if you meet the criteria). You’ll need to pay for your course fees before you start your final year. The Fees Free scheme will then return the fees when you complete your qualification.

If you need help to pay your course fees, you may be able to get a Student Loan.

Fees Free is run by the Tertiary Education Commission. Check out the website for more information.

Who can get it

To get a Student Loan, you must meet certain criteria around residency and your course. If you've had a Student Loan before, there are also extra criteria you must meet.

If you're under 18, one of your parents also needs to give their permission for you to get a loan.

Residency criteria

You need to meet the residency requirements. For most people, this means you need to be either: